

第五回 神戸コミュニティフォーラム レポート

2021年1月23日(土)      Saturday, January 23, 2021


The Kobe Community Forum provides the opportunity for the residents of Kobe to better understand each other’s cultures, as well as to strengthen the connections between individuals and different communities.
This event was first held in 2016, and the theme for the 5th forum was “simple Japanese”, with the aim of promoting the use of simple Japanese in order to make Kobe a more livable city for foreign residents.

本フォーラムのテーマは「Promoting ‘simple Japanese’ to make Kobe a livable city for foreign residents (やさしい日本語を神戸に普及させ、神戸を外国人が住みやすい街にする)」で、やさしい日本語の活用により日本人と外国人の相互理解が深まる暮らしやすい街づくりに向けて何ができるか、活発な議論を期待していますと話しました。

The event began with a video message from the mayor of Kobe. In his speech, Mayor Hisamoto mentioned that about 48,000 foreign nationals live in Kobe and are growing, and he stressed the importance of turning our city into one that is livable for both Japanese and non-Japanese residents. He explained the beginnings of this forum as one part of the city’s efforts towards multicultural livability, and how the ideas generated from this event will eventually bear fruit. For example, last year’s topic was “Promoting communication between Japanese and non-Japanese people by using public spaces as venues for sharing information and culture from different countries”, which led to discussions to begin the Kobe Rumors Project (Japanese link).
This year’s forum topic was “Promoting ‘simple Japanese’ to make Kobe a livable city for foreign residents”, and Mayor Hisamoto expressed his hope for active discussions among the participants about how we can utilize simple Japanese to deepen mutual understanding between the Japanese and non-Japanese residents of Kobe, and thereby make Kobe a more livable city.

次に『「やさしい日本語」とは』と題し、神戸大学国際教育総合センター准教授 齊藤美穂先生の基調講演がありました。前段として2つの文章を比較しながら、「やさしい日本語」とは“簡単な構造で、平易な言葉で、必要に応じて補足情報があり、できるだけ漢字を使用しない(使用する際は振り仮名がついている)”文章であるとご説明頂きました。

The mayor’s message was followed by a keynote lecture by Miho Saito, an Associate Professor at Kobe University’s Center for International Education. “What is simple Japanese?” As an introduction, she presented two short excerpts of text for comparison and explained that the text with simple Japanese was distinguished by a simple structure and familiar words (plain language), included supplemental information if necessary, and avoided the use of kanji (Chinese characters) as much as possible (or included phonetic readings if kanji were used).
Simple Japanese found its origins in the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (sometimes referred to as the Kobe Earthquake). After the quake, people realized that the information being shared which foreign residents could understand was insufficient, and that it was important to be able to share information with everyone as quickly, accurately, and briefly as possible while using Japanese language that was comprehensible to everyone.
Many people might think that this kind of information should be shared in multiple languages, or at least in English. However, there are an ever-increasing variety of nationalities living in Japan, and in a survey more foreign residents were comfortable with using Japanese in their daily lives than English. Taking these two factors into consideration, one can see the importance of simple Japanese.
Another thing to consider is that “simple Japanese” is Japanese language which is comprehensible to everyone. Simple Japanese is not just for foreign residents, but for children and other Japanese people too. This means that using simple Japanese to communicate is in line with the concept of intercultural cohesion.
At the end of her presentation, Professor Saito asked the audience to think about the advantages and disadvantages of using simple Japanese, and to express those ideas in the discussions that would follow.


After we learned the basics of simple Japanese, Joy Sung from the Kobe City International Department talked about the city’s initiatives to incorporate simple Japanese.
Simple Japanese is currently being used at the Kobe International Community Center, ward offices, and city employee professional development seminars as one way of conveying information to foreign residents. To further promote simple Japanese, the city is currently implementing a “model office”. Health insurance, pension, and medical expenses are relevant to all city residents but can be extremely difficult to understand, and there are many inquiries about these, so some of the documents at the Social Insurance and Medical Expenses Division of the Chuo Ward Office are being converted into versions written in simple Japanese.
The city is also working to promote awareness and understanding of the importance of simple Japanese through withnews (Japanese link), a media site that targets people who do not normally read the newspaper, especially younger generations. A collaboration with withnews, #Yakusho o Yasashiku (“Simplifying the City Office”) (Japanese link) is a documentary-like series of interviews with government staff involved in Kobe City’s Simple Japanese Promotion Project.
Ms. Sung asked the forum participants to think of many other ways to introduce simple Japanese, and for the Japanese participants in particular to think about ways they can try to incorporate simple Japanese in their lives.


The forum moved on to group discussion sessions, which had 29 participants from 9 different countries. The students from Fukiai Senior High School acted as discussion facilitators and would present the results of their groups’ discussions. The participants were divided into 4 groups, and they began with brief self-introductions followed by their first topic, “Did you know about simple Japanese?” These were their thoughts and comments:


Group A: Simple Japanese needs to be used in specialized fields like medical care, and simple Japanese itself needs improvement.
Group B: Almost everyone in our group knew about it. Japanese people should practice trying to use simple Japanese by doing things like switching out words when talking with friends and other foreigners.
Group C: It’s not a term that everyone in our group was familiar with. Furigana (phonetic pronunciation) is important. Using simple grammar and vocabulary is also important, even while using translation devices or apps.
Group D: We had a mix of people who knew and didn’t know about it. More Japanese people need to learn and understand what simple Japanese is.


Now that everyone had warmed up with the first discussion, we moved on to the main topic, “Think of more ways to incorporate and promote simple Japanese in Kobe.” These were their ideas:


Group A: More local governments need to use simple Japanese to share information, and we need to increase understanding among Japanese people of the needs and benefits of using simple Japanese.
Group B: Make online events for cultural exchange across different age groups; use simple Japanese to share information on social media; use more simple Japanese in education and public places; and develop translation tools that convert standard Japanese to simple Japanese.
Group C: Use simple Japanese combined with images to share information on social media.
Group D: Increase public knowledge about simple Japanese through advertisements, newspapers, and Kobe City’s monthly newspaper.


Although we were unable to include a mingling event due to the online format, the time spent in this forum was very productive. Many participants from all over the world were able to discuss their ideas, which will help further the development and use of simple Japanese. The participants expressed their thoughts, exchanged stories about their personal experiences, were earnest in their discussions, and found many opportunities to smile during this memorable forum.


At the end of the forum, Professor Saito and Ms. Sung shared their impressions about the event.


Professor Saito: Thank you for your nice presentations. It was very special to see Japanese residents communicate with foreign residents so actively in the discussions. It’s a good example of intercultural communication. The point is not what language should be used, but that we can communicate and have the will to communicate and understand each other, no matter the language.
Some students have mentioned that it’s quite difficult for Japanese residents to understand what is difficult for foreigners, but the point is to consider that the expressions we Japanese use may be difficult, not just for foreigners but for older residents and other people too.


Ms. Sung: It is always very nice to get the chance to hear from various citizens, both Japanese and foreign nationals living in or interested in living in Kobe. This is a great opportunity to hear everyone’s opinions, as it is difficult to come up with these ideas on one’s own.
I think there are three main takeaways from today’s discussion.
・We need to define and determine the standards for simple Japanese.
・We need to make sure that everyone knows what simple Japanese is and who it is for. It is not beneficial for just foreign nationals but is also for seniors, people with disabilities, children, and other Japanese people.
・We need to take advantage of modern technology and social media to promote and actively use simple Japanese.
We will try to incorporate many of your ideas in Kobe City’s future initiatives and projects. I also encourage you to promote simple Japanese among your acquaintances, and I hope the information you heard today will help you do that.

第五回神戸コミュニティフォーラム イベントページはこちら
To learn more about Kobe Community Forum ~Promoting ‘simple Japanese’ to make Kobe a livable city for foreign residents~, visit this link.(Applications have closed)