A dark, chilly January morning. Curled up in a ball under my thick futon on the second floor of my Japanese bunka-jutaku – a traditional two-story row house. I had a nasty, lingering cold and planned to spend the day sleeping it off. Nearby, the kerosene heater turned on high to warm the frigid air. I laid on my side, stuffed-up nose, drifting in and out of sleep, when…
A shattering roar ripped through my bedroom. The deafening noise shocked me awake and the earthquake, like a monstrous attack, tossed me out of my futon on to the surrounding Japanese tatami mats. I tried to push myself up, but the earthquake’s ongoing assault threw me to the ground. My home jumped up and down, side to side, like I was stuck in a children’s “bouncing castle.”
Moments later, the earthquake withdrew, only rattling tremors now, and I saw my chance to escape.
From my futon, I leaped to the top of the steep stairs, and in pitch black, pressed my hands on either side of the narrow staircase and made my way to the ground floor. Half-way down the stairs, without warning, the earthquake erupted. This time, everything fell sideways. I closed my eyes expecting the worst, but the earthquake retreated, the staircase held, and death gave me a pass.
I raced down the stairs, tripped over scattered furniture, and stumbled to the sliding glass doors leading to the entrance. As I pulled on the doors, I discovered they were stuck. In desperation, I kicked open the glass doors, broke through the outer wooden door, and ran out into the street.
With telephone poles swaying around me from the aftershocks, I ran my hands up and down my body, checking for cuts and wounds. Miraculously, I was fine. On a cold dark street in winter in my bare feet and pajamas, but safe.
My neighbor and friend, a fellow Canadian from Victoria, appeared from next door and we hugged. He told me the earthquake destroyed the bunka-jutaku behind ours. He sprinted ahead to help, and I followed closely behind. Seconds later, I heard screams from inside a home, three doors down. A young Canadian couple from Calgary, unable to escape. I broke through their front door and guided them to safety. Mother cuddling her crying baby, the husband close behind. Shaken but uninjured.
I spent the rest of the day rescuing neighbors. Balancing on top of the destroyed bunka-jutaku – an enormous pile of wood, steel, and glass – and digging out survivors with my bare hands. Shouts, cries, anger, and frustration called from below as I stood on top, reassuring them I would not leave. I saved one young Japanese man, but sadly his parents did not make it.
I walked an injured friend to a local hospital. The Emergency Room was in chaos, with the victims – alive and dead – arriving by ambulance, taxi, and car. Nurses covered corpses in sheets and stacked them against the wall, from floor to ceiling. I helped a nurse carry two of the bodies. She was grateful, but a supervisor stopped me and said it was fine, this was their job, not mine, and I should stay with my friend.
The next morning, I filled my backpack and walked to the Hankyu Nishinomiya train station, along with thousands of fellow earthquake survivors. Together, we walked for hours in silence. Shocked and broken, our lives forever changed, but grateful to be alive.
(翻訳:ティム・レモン Tim LEMON)
あるカナダ人の震災体験 / A Canadian Perspective of the Earthquake
レスター・M・パトリック / Lester M. Patrick
The earthquake was a lifechanging experience. I lost everything during the earthquake, but thanks to the help of my friends and my employer, I relocated to Osaka Prefecture and continued working in Japan until 2007. The earthquake was a horrific experience, and I saw devastation on a scale I could not imagine possible. One bright note was my relocation led to meeting my current wife who was working as nurse in Osaka Prefecture.
I want to dedicate my story to the many people who helped me through this difficult time, and most of all to the resilience of the Japanese people who were faced with such tremendous death and loss but continued to move forward and rebuild their lives and their communities. Kobe and Hyogo Prefecture will always hold a very special and precious place in my heart.