

第4回 神戸コミュニティフォーラムレポート



The Kobe Community Forum provides the opportunity for the different residents of Kobe to understand each other’s cultures and strengthen the connections between individuals and different communities. It has been held since 2016, and this was the 4th such forum.


The event began with an opening speech by the mayor of Kobe. In his speech, Mayor Hisamoto noted that about 49,000 foreigners live in Kobe, and he spoke about how the city strives to be one where both Japanese and foreigners can easily live together. He also expressed his excitement for the forum’s success, through which the participants could deepen their understanding of each other’s cultural backgrounds and produce many interesting ideas for making Kobe a more comfortable city.


今回のフォーラムは「Creating Multicultural Spaces (多文化に出会える場所づくりを考えよう)」をテーマに行われました。

This year the theme was “Creating Multicultural Spaces”.

まず最初に、葺合高校の生徒2組によるキックオフのプレゼンテーションが行われました。それぞれのテーマは「Promoting disaster awareness education among foreign residents(外国からの住民に対しての防災情報と教育)」「Better support for JSL students in Kobe(日本語を母国語としない生徒へのサポートプログラム)」です。

First, two student groups from Fukiai Senior High School delivered presentations to kick off the event. Their topics were “Promoting disaster awareness education among foreign residents” and “Better support for JSL students in Kobe”.
In feedback, one of the participants who had personally experienced the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake emphasized the importance of providing disaster-related information, and she also asked about specific ways to deliver support programs for non-native Japanese language learners (JSL).



Eighty-four people from eighteen different countries participated in the discussion portion of the forum, which was facilitated by students from Fukiai SHS and Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, as well as Intercultural Exchange Supporters. The participants were divided into 12 groups and presented these ideas at the end:





Themes of each group’s ideas:
Group A: International exchange through events related to education, language, culture, etc.
Group B: Cultural exchange through events and festivals in Kobe
Group C: Multicultural exchange in public spaces
Group D: Making events and support available both online and offline
Group E: Creating exchange-friendly spaces that are independent of age, language, and ability
Group F: Make more neighborhood spaces into hubs for exchange
Group G: Creating more opportunities and venues for exchange through cultural exchange activities, disaster drills, etc.
Group H: Expand ways of sharing information via social media and events
Group I: Foreign language study opportunities that use apps and the internet
Group J: Promoting exchange in different ways online and in-person



Once the presentations were over, everyone socialized over snacks and famous confections from Kobe, and many people continued to discuss the various ideas that had been presented.

なお、神戸コミュニティフォーラムの運営に協力したデザイン・クリエイティブセンター神戸(KIITO)では、主催した神戸市と神戸国際協力交流センターとともにフォーラムでの議論をさらに発展させて、多文化共生の実現に向けた神戸ならではの新しい交流のカタチを紡ぎ出す、+クリエイティブゼミVol.33 多文化共生編「神戸流の多文化交流のプラットフォームを考える」に取り組んでいます。5回にわたり開催するグループワークを通して、多様性から生み出される文化的な豊かさによる「新しい神戸の魅力」をつくりだせないかと議論を重ねています。

What’s next? Design & Creative Center Kobe (KIITO), which helped organize and further the development of the community forums with Kobe City and the Kobe International Center for Cooperation and Communication (KIC), is working to put together the new shape of intercultural harmony in Kobe with their next project: +Creative Seminars Vol. 33 (Multicultural harmony), “Thinking of platforms for cultural exchange, the Kobe way”. Over the course of 5 group-work meetups, participants will try to come up with new ways to love Kobe through its rich cultural diversity.

神戸コミュニティフォーラム~多文化に出会える場所づくりを考えよう(Kobe Community Forum~Creating multicultural Spaces)についてはこちら

To learn more about Kobe Community Forum ~Creating Multicultural Spaces~, visit this link.(Applications have closed)

+クリエイティブゼミVol.33 多文化共生編「神戸流の多文化交流のプラットフォームを考える」についてはこちら ※申し込みは終了しています。聴講を希望の方はschool@kiito.jpまで希望者のお名前を明記の上ご連絡ください。

To learn more about +Creative Seminars Vol. 33 (Multicultural harmony), “Thinking of platforms for cultural exchange, the Kobe way”, visit this link. (Now accepting participants)